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The official website of Dr. Peter Lorange, Honorary President, IMD and Chairman, S. Ugelstad Invest
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4 min read
Takeaways from “Warren Berger’s A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry
I found out about Warren Berger’s book A More Beautiful Question recently, through Gearbulk Ltd’s CEO Kristian Jebsen. Although the book...

4 min read
Lorange Network Webinar: View from the top - Reflections about opportunities and crises
Panelists: Peter Brabeck-Lemathe; Chairman Emeritus, Nestlé & Markus Neuhaus; Former Chairman, PwC, Switzerland; both holding multiple...

6 min read
Interview with Markus Laenzlinger, CEO of Migrolino, 3rd April 2020, via phone by Peter Lorange
Background Migrolino, a wholly owned subsidiary of Migros, the Swiss retail giant, was started in January 2009 as a result of the demerge...

5 min read
Takeaways from Anne Janzer’s “Subscription Marketing: Strategies for Nurturing Customers in a World
Over the last decade, we have seen a massive shift from the traditional model of selling products or services towards a...

5 min read
Interview with Martin Stadler, CEO of Altoo, 22nd May 2020 by Peter Lorange
Altoo stands for “all together”, which gives a good indication of what this firm is all about, namely, to provide support to independent...

6 min read
Takeaways from Brad Smith and Carol Ann Browne’s Tools and Weapons
The senior author of this book, Brad Smith is President of Microsoft, and an accomplished lawyer. The second author, Carol Browne, is a...

6 min read
Interview with Carole Hübscher, President, Caran d’Ache by Dr. Peter Lorange
Background Caran d’Ache was founded in 1915, in Geneva. It has been majority owned by the Schweizer family since 1924. The company is now...

3 min read
Summary of key issues, Lorange Network Webinar, 19th May 2020: Portfolio by Dr. Peter Lorange
This webinar on Investment and Business Portfolios was another successful one. The panelists were Guy Spier, Managing partner and...

4 min read
Takeaways from Tien Tzuo’s Subscribed by Peter Lorange
How can a company shift its business model from selling products to providing recurring subscription-based services? This question is at...

11 min read
Ethics and Social Values by Dr. Peter Lorange
Introduction Corruption and social values are two related phenomena which have probably existed in various forms since the creation of...

3 min read
Webinar SMEs and Family Businesses - What Can They Do in Times of Crisis?
Please note: Original questions may have been edited in order to preserve anonymity. Question: How are your board and company governance...

9 min read
Interview with Dr. Thomas Dübendorfer, President, SICTIC by Peter Lorange
Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC) is an angel investor club, a matchmaker between founders of high-tech innovative start-ups and angel...

13 min read
Experiences regarding Networking and Working Virtually during the Corona Crisis by Peter Lorange
“Constraints focus the mind and provide fertile ground for creativity” Unknown “Your network is your net worth” Porter Gale “In the...

3 min read
Summary Notes from “What Can SMEs and Family Businesses do in Times of Crisis?” Webinar
The rich set of relevant issues raised by our panelists makes it almost impossible to come up with a comprehensive summary. I apologize...

4 min read
Takeaways from Philippe J. Weil’s Woes of the Rich by Peter Lorange
In his book “Woes of the Rich”, Philippe Weil discusses how successful families deal with financial and non-financial challenges to...

3 min read
Ask Peter Lorange - Questions and Answers
The “Ask Peter Lorange” service now allows Premium Members to raise particular strategic issues, dilemmas or challenges and get Peter’s...

2 min read
Summary Notes from “Survival 2020: Past Lessons for Today and the Future” Lorange Network Webinar
There were an abundance of key issues raised by our two panelists. This reflects the fact that both of them are highly seasoned,...

4 min read
Letter from Johan H. Andresen, Owner and Chair of Ferd
Originally published by Johan H Andresen on April 8th, 2020 Mr. Johan H. Andresen is the 5th generation owner of his Oslo-based family...

6 min read
Raising New Capital in Times of Crisis by Peter Lorange
In the blink of an eye, investors can go from being overly optimistic to overly pessimistic about the safety of an asset Professor...

9 min read
How to Manage Your Company and Assets in a Crisis Situation: Examples From My Own Firm
If you are going through hell, keep going! Winston Churchill It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most...
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